About ES, Africa Region
The Econometric Society (ES), Africa Region is the regional representation of Econometric Society for Africa. The Econometric Society is an International Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory in its Relations to Statistics and Mathematics.
The goal of the regional branch of ES is to promote across the continent the culture of economic analysis based on state-of-the-art quantitative methods grounded on statistic and econometric theories. We also aim to foster a strong synergy among researchers on the continent as well as their exposure to their peers from overseas.
Our main activities include a yearly conference and summer schools.
The yearly meeting of ES, Africa Region takes place every year in June or July in different countries/cities. This is an international gathering with peer reviewed contributed sessions and plenary session animated by leading researchers in their fields. This conference is attended by academics, policy makers and practitioners from all over Africa and overseas.
The Summer Schools are a powerful springboard for teaching and exchange on advanced topics. They are animated by leading researchers and practitioners. The target audience is various but mainly graduate students, scholars and research practitioner. Many Summer Schools are scheduled every year in various places on the continent.
The regional branch also encourages membership of local researchers to Econometric Society. This allows members access to the main publications of the Society (Econometrica, Theoretical Economics, Quantitative Economics and The Econometrics Journal) as well as conference participation and journal submission at discount rate. A financial support is available for Africa-based researchers/students but is decided on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to learn more.
The Regional Standing Committee
Voting members
Non voting members
Prosper Dovonon, Concordia University, Canada, Secretary
Mohamed Bouaddi, American Univ. in Cairo, AFES 2026, Program co-Chair
​​Firmin Doko Tchatoka, The U. of Adelaide, AFES 2024, Program Co-Chair
Romuald Meango, University of Oxford, AFES 2024, Program Co-Chair